
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
How to Make Herbal Soaps
What is a Herbal Soap?
Herbal soap is a kind of soap mixed with natural ingredients, juice or extract and vitamins from medicinal plants.
How to Prepare Herbal Soap:
Utensils: - Plastic pail
- Wooden ladle or bamboo stick
- Glass or cup
- Mortar and pestle
- Cheese cloth or strainer
- Knife
- Chopping board
- Cooking pot (preferably made of clay, enamel, stainless or glass)
- Stove
- Plastic molders
Akapulko and Guava Soap:
How to Prepare a Decoction:
- Wash the leaves thoroughly and chop or cut in small pieces.
- Measure 1 glass of chopped fresh leaves and 2 glasses of water.
- Let it boil for 15 minutes (start timing when the water starts to boil).
- After 15 minutes, remove from fire and strain in a cheesecloth. Set aside and let it cool.
- 1 glass Caustic Soda (NaOH)
- 3 glasses Akapulko or Guava decoction, cooled
- 5 glasses cooking oil
- coloring powder (optional)
- Prepare the materials and the utensils needed.
- Measure 1 glass of caustic soda and 3 glasses of Akapulko or Guava decoction and pour into a plastic pail.
- Mix well by stirring continuously using a wooden ladle or bamboo stick. Use only one direction in mixing the mixture. Stir until the caustic soda is dissolved.
- Pour 5 glasses cooking oil into the mixture.
- Continue stirring until a consistency of a condensed milk is achieved.
- Pour the soap mixture into desired plastic molders. Set aside and let it cool to harden.
- After 4-5 hours, remove the soap from the molder.
- Allow 30 days of ageing before packing. Label the soaps.
Indications: - Akapulko leaves - anti-fungal
- Guava leaves - antiseptic for wounds
Kamias, Calamansi, Papaya, Cucumber and Radish Soaps: Materials: - 1 glass Caustic Soda (NaOH)
- 3 glasses water
- 5 glasses cooking oil
- 1/2 glass juice or extract
Procedure: - Prepare the materials and the utensils needed.
- Measure 1 glass of caustic soda and 3 glasses of water and pour into a plastic pail.
- Mix well by stirring continuously using a wooden ladle or bamboo stick. Use only one direction in mixing the mixture. Stir until the caustic soda is dissolved.
- Pour 5 glasses cooking oil into the mixture.
- Continue stirring until a consistency of a condensed milk is achieved and add 1/2 glass of juice or extract.
- Pour the soap mixture into desired plastic molders. Set aside and let it cool to harden.
- After 4-5 hours, remove the soap from the molder.
- Allow 30 days of ageing before packing. Label the soaps.
Indications: - Kamias - fruit extract or juice (bleaching soap)
- Calamansi - fruit extract or juice (bleaching soap)
- Cucumber - fruit extract or juice (moisturizer)
- Papaya - extract from fresh leaves (bleaching/moisturizer)
- Radish - extract from the stem (moisturizer)
Reminder: - Caustic Soda can harm the skin upon contact. Wash immediately with vinegar or anything sour and then wash it with soap and water.
- Caustic Soda is harmful to health and so, make the necessary precaution. Use mask and gloves to protect your body.
SOURCE: http://www.doh.gov.ph/pitahc/Herbal_Soap.html
Tags: Small & Medium Business

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