
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Turon Recipe
Turon Recipe # 1
4 pieces Banana 8 pieces Lumpia wrappers 1/4 cup Granulated sugar 1 tablespoon Cinnamon Oil for frying Kitchen paper
1. Peel and slice lengthwise each banana into two parts. Then wrap each sliced banana in a lumpia wrapper. Roll and fold the two ends. 2. Fry them in heated oil till they are golden brown. Drain on kitchen paper. Roll each piece in the sugar and cinnamon mixture. Serve hot.
Turon Recipe #2
1 package lumpia wrappers 5 medium bananas 1 can or jar jackfruit, drained 1 jar grated young coconut, undrained 1/8 teaspoon brown sugar for each turon
Cut banana in half, and cut each half into 3 pieces. Place on top of lumpia wrapper and top with 2 or 3 thin strips of jackfruit (to cover length of banana). Top jackfruit with coconut. Sprinkle 1/8 teaspoon of sugar over top of fruit. Roll into shape of eggroll and fry in canola oil until golden brown on each side. (Turon can be frozen and fried as desired.)
Yield: 30 servings
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Friday, November 24, 2006
How to make Taho
The taho is a typical Filipino delicacy wherein the usual "manong"(male vendor) carries two bucket-like container with a bamboo stick to balance it at his shouders. Every morning you would always hear a man shouting from the streets "Tahooo!" to call out for his customers. Most filipinos is fond of eating this kind of stuff and most likely serves as a cereal for their daily breakfast routine. Here's how to make one:
MATERIALS ½ kg soybeans 4 liters water 1½ - 2 pcs gulaman ¼ tsp vanilla
1 kg brown sugar 1 ½ liter water
UTENSILS 2 pcs colander 1 pc osterizer 2 pcs casserole 1 unit stove 2 pcs basin 2 yards cheesecloth
PROCEDURE 1. Soak beans overnight. 2. Grind finely while adding boiling water. 3. Put soybean in a cheesecloth and squeeze out milk. 4. Boil soymilk for 5 to 10 minutes. 5. Stir and add gulaman. 6. Allow to boil for 10 minutes. 7. Pass the mixture through a cheesecloth then put in a molder. 8. Cool and serve with syrup and sago.
Source: ITDI DOST; TahoOnline
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How to Make Boneless Ham
Also known as boned ham, this whole cured ham is a cut of pork that has had the hip, thigh, and shank bones removed, as well as most of the fat before it is rolled, molded, and packaged. Boneless hams are easier to carve because there is no bone to carve around but without the bones, the ham will lack the flavor found in a bone-in ham. The texture is also affect by the processing methods used to remove the meat from the bones. There are also boneless hams produced from small chunks and reformed hams (oval shaped), which are meant to be sliced and used for sandwiches.
pork meat (kasim or pigi), 2 kg
Injecting Solution: water, 1 c salt, ½ c sugar (white), ¼ c monosodium glutamate/vetsin, 250 mg ham spice, 1 tsp prague powder, 3 tsp ascorbic acid, 250 mg
Curing Solution (cover pickle): water, 8 c salt, 2 c sugar (brown), ½ c prague powder, 2 tbsp
or dry curing mixture salt, 1 c brown sugar, ¼ c prague powder, 2 tbsp
Cooking mixture per kg of ham beer, ¾ c cloves, 2 pcs bay leaves, 2 pcs pineapple juice, 1 c sugar, 1 c water enough to cover
mixing bowl chopping board casserole tray measuring cups carajay measuring spoons, turner/blow torch syringe, weighing scale knife, stove
A. Meat Curing
1. Dissolve salt and sugar in boiling water for injecting solution. 2. Cool then strain thru clean cloth. 3. Add vetsin, hamspice, prague powder and ascorbic acid. 4. Inject the solution into different parts of the meat. 5. If curing solution is used, soak in curing solution for 4-5 days in the refrigerator. 6. If dry curing mixture is used, sprinkle and rub ½ part of the dry curing mixture and stand overnight in a curing rack at room temperature. On the 2nd day, rub the remaining ½ part of curing mixture and stand again for another 12-24 hours.
B. Ham Cooking
1. After curing, wash off the excess salt several times and finally soak in warm water. Drain. 2. Boil the ham in enough water for 5 minutes. 3. Discard water. 4. Finally cook the ham in the cooking mixture for about one hour or until tender. 5. Cover the ham with brown sugar and caramelize by placing in an oven or using hot "siyanse" or blow torch.
Perfect for Noche Buena!
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Calamansi Farming and Products
Calamansi or calamondin (Citrfortunella microcarpa) is a fruit tree native to the Philippines. It is the most commonly grown backyard tree among the citrus species. It can thrive in a wide variety of environmental conditions.
It is a small tree with a height ranging from 2 meters to 7 ½ meters at maturity. Its broad egg-shaped leaves are dark green in the upper surface and pale green underneath. The fruit is round, about 2 cm to 4.5 cm in diameter, and greenish - yellow in color.
Like its relatives, such as the mandarin, pomelo and sweet orange, the calamansi is rich in phosphorous, calcium, iron and Vitamin C or ascorbic acid. It is the most popular and most commonly used citrus fruit in the country. Its juice is nutritious and traditionally made into a fruit drink that helps prevent respiratory diseases. It also helps strengthen the bones and stimulate growth especially among growing children. It can be used as a flavoring ingredient in desserts, e.g. leche flan, or as an additive in various food preparations, such as fish steak. Its pulp is used as a major ingredient in beverages, syrups, concentrates, and purees. The peel is made into jams, candies, and marmalade. With its alkalinizing effect, on the body calamansi helps circulate blood evenly and facilitates normal digestion.
Filipinos can have a year-round supply of this versatile citrus fruits by growing the plant right in their front yards or backyards or even in big boxes.
It is easy to cultivate calamansi. This plant grows well in cool and elevated areas and in sandy soils rich in organic matter. Waterlogged areas are not suitable for cultivation because calamansi plants cannot tolerate too much moisture.
Calamansi can be propagated by seeds, still, it is much better to grow this citrus crop using its vegetative parts. It is best to buy planting materials from reliable sources, particularly from the Bureau of Plant Industry (BPI), or government agency under the Department of Agriculture.
Establish the planting materials at the start of the rainy season. Dig a hole, at least 40 cm wide and 40 cm deep. Set the seedling into the hole and put back the dug soil mixed with compost. Water the plant daily, at least every morning.
The usual distance for planting calamansi is five meters between plants.
To produce big, luscious fruits, it is recommended to fertilize the plants regularly. Apply 50 g to 100g ammonium sulfate or urea, around each tree one month after planting. Do this every four (4) months but on the second year, increase the amount of fertilizer to 200g or 300g. Use the same kind of fertilizer per tree every four months thereafter.
The tree bears fruit on the fourth year, it is best to apply complete fertilizer, like ammophos and potash, to increase fruit yield at the rate of 500g per tree. At eight (8) to ten (10) years old, apply more fertilizers to the trees, from two to three kg per tree, three times a year. First, during the rainy season before the flowering stage; next, two months after flowering, and last, after harvesting.
To properly apply the fertilizer, mix it with the soil. It is also good to cover the soil around each tree with dry leaves to conserve moisture. Weed from time to time.
To keep the trees healthy and allow them to attain maximum yield, it is always best to protect them from pests and diseases. Pests in calamansi are easy to spot. Zigzag marks, savoyed cuts, and rugged edges on the bark indicate that the tree is infested with citrus bark borers. These are light brown or bluish-black beetles that lay their eggs in the cuts and cavities of the calamansi bark. When the eggs hatch, the larvae feed on the bark and leaves.
To control the citrus bark borers, spray the trees with pesticides recommended for citrus trees. To prevent the pest from spreading, cut off the infected parts and burn them.
Another harmful insect pest is the aphid. This greenish or brownish insect not only retards the plant's growth, but also acts as a disease carrier. To control, spray the trees with pesticides recommended for aphids but if the pests have already attacked, cut off the infected parts of the plants and burn them.
Other harmful pests of the calamansi are the Purple Scale and Glover's Scale. These pests suck the tree's sap until its leaves and fruits wither and fall, and the tree finally dies.
Aside from pests, the calamansi is also prone to diseases, such as gummosis, citrus canker, and citrus scab. Gummosis is caused by either a lack of, or an excess of fertilizer, or damage from insect pests or machinery. The disease is marked by a dark sticky substance or gum oozing out of the infected branches and trunk. As the disease worsens, gum secretion increases. It is recommended that as soon as this gum-like substance is noticed, spray the trees with chemicals especially recommended for gummosis control. Apply the chemical directly to the diseased bark. Citrus canker, a disease caused by bacteria, is characterized by raised lesions and glazed margins, with an oily appearance. Citrus canker affects the leaves, twigs, branches and the fruits. To control the canker, spray the trees with fungicide solutions when the trees area at dormant stage. Consult the dealers of fungicides for proper application of the chemicals.
Citrus scab is a disease caused by a fungus. It starts as a small pale-orange, somewhat circular, elevated spot on the leaf. A severely infected leaf becomes so distorted, crinkled and stunted that whatever remains has very little semblance to a normal leaf. To control this disease, spray with a copper fungicide solution. Following the manufacturer's recommended application or formula. Spray when new flushes of growth have developed, or during blooming stage when two-thirds of the petals have fallen and, also two weeks thereafter until the fruits are half mature.
Calamansi trees will start to bear fruit one or two years after planting. To harvest, pick the fruits from the branch, either by hand or by using a pair of scissors. Take extra care to prevent damage to the branches or to the leaves. To keep the fruit fresh, leave a portion of the stem attached to the fruit and avoid injury to the skin when harvesting.
* Use freshly harvested mature calamansi * Wash and drain * Cut across the upper portion to avoid cutting the seeds * Squeeze out the juice by hand or use a fruit juice squeezer. * Strain * For every part of the juice, add 1 13/4 parts sugar (60oB) * Stir to dissolve the sugar. * Allow to stand undisturbed for three (3) days, preferably in a refrigerator * When the fruit pulp and other fruit sediments have floated and the clear calamansi juice has settled, this clear solution is called the calamansi nip. * Siphon the nip into a dry sterile, narrow mouth glass bottle with a stopper. * Fill containers completely * Refrigerate at 50oF or below.
* Select big, green calamansi fruits * Cut slits in the lower end of the fruit to extract the seeds and the juice * Soak the de-juiced fruit in water overnight * Boil in a copper vat with enough water * Remove from the fire when the natural green color of the fruit has set * Soak again in water for three (3) days but change the water often. * Boil in plenty of water three or 4 times but change the water after boiling * Drain * Cook in syrup (2 parts sugar to 1 part water) for 15 minutes. Soak overnight * Boil in the same syrup until it begins to thicken. * Drain syrup * Pack calamansi in jars and pour strained syrup * Remove bubbles, refill, half-seal, and sterilize 12 oz jars for 20 minutes in boiling water
INGREDIENTS: 1 kilo calamansi refined white sugar water
UTENSILS: ss strainer ss bowls ss knives plastic chopping board cheesecloth thermometer (dial type) ss casserole measuring cups LPG with stove ss ladle
PACKAGING MATERIAL: sterilized bottles/jars
PROCEDURE: 1. Slice calamansi at its topmost part. Avoid injuring the seeds to prevent bitter taste of the product. 2. Squeeze. Strain juice using cheesecloth. 3. Measure/weigh the juice. Heat calamansi juice for 1 minute at 70°-80°C. Set aside. 4. Prepare syrup, 1 part sugar in ½ part water or 1:0.5 based on the weight of the juice. Boil syrup (108°C or 226°F). Strain syrup. 5. Cool syrup to 80°C then add calamansi juice. Mix. 6. Pour the mixture in sterilized bottles. Seal thoroughly. 7. Process in boiling water for 5 minutes at 70-80°C. 8. After processing, cool at room temperature. Label and store.
INGREDIENTS starch 10 tbsp water 1¼ c sugar 1½ c glucose ¼ c calamansi juice 4 tbsp citric acid 1/8 tsp food color ¼ tsp calamansi oil ¼ tsp
heavy saucepan stove ladle measuring spoons measuring cups trays, knife spatula, plastic bag refractometer
PROCEDURE 1. Mix cornstarch and water. Stir to dissolve. 2. Place the mixture in a heavy saucepan and bring to a boil with continuous mixing. 3. Boil for 2 minutes. 4. Then add sugar and glucose. Stir to dissolve sugar and glucose. 5. Continue boiling until the solution reaches a soluble solid of 78-80%. This can be determined with a refractometer. 6. Add food color if desired and calamansi juice with citric acid. 7. After boiling, add calamansi oil. 8. Pour the mixture into trays. Stand for 2 to 3 hours. 9. Cut into desired sizes and shape with a spatula. (If no spatula is available, use knife). 10. Roll in granulated sugar, strain to remove excess sugar. 11. Pack in plastic bag.
INGREDIENTS sugar 2 c glucose ½ c water ½ c salt ¼ tsp calamansi juice 4 tsp calamansi oil ¼ tsp food color
heavy saucepan measuring cups measuring spoons ladle candy thermometer trays molder lollipop sticks
PROCEDURE 1. Apply oil to molders. 2. Combine sugar, glucose, water and salt. Place over medium heat, stirring constantly until sugar dissolves and mixture comes to boil. 3. Reduce heat and cook at a steady, fairly low boil without stirring until it reaches the hard crack stage 154.4oC (310oF). 4. Remove from heat and add food color, calamansi juice and lastly the calamansi oil. 5. Pour into molders. As soon as candy is set, twist a lollipop stick into each candy. Loosen lollipop from molder. 6. Pack individually.
INGREDIENTS gelatin 3 tbsp cold water ¼ c warm water ½ c sugar 1½ c light syrup ¼ c gum arabic 1 tbsp calamansi oil ¼ tsp food color
measuring cups measuring spoons mixing bowl saucepan ladle beater| trays fine mesh strainer
PROCEDURE 1. Soak gelatin in cold water for about 10 to 15 minutes. Add food color if desired. 2. Place warm water in a saucepan and add the sugar previously mixed with gum arabic. Heat and stir until the sugar is dissolved. Do not boil. 3. Add the soaked gelatin and stir until it is dissolved. 4. Add the corn syrup and heat the batch until stiff and fluffy. Add calamansi oil. 5. Place the mixture in a plastic bag which has an open end at the side. Squeeze the bag to release a circular form marshmallow passing through the open end. Cut into desired sizes. This can also be done in a marshmallow molder. 6. Cast the marshmallows into starch (containing not more than 8% moisture and previously heated to 32-35oC (90 - 95oF). 7. Place trays containing the starch and marshmallows (previously starch-casted) under room temperature for 10 to 20 hours. 8. After a slight crust has formed on the marshmallows, remove from the starch. If to be packed plain, dust with a combination of dry powdered sugar and dry starch. Let remain covered with the starch-sugar mixture for several hours before packing. 9. Pack in plastic bag.
INGREDIENTS calamansi seeds water refined sugar calamansi juice
stainless knife chopping board colander stainless casserole saucepan cheesecloth basin/mixing bowl measuring cups/spoons stove ladle thermometer
PACKAGING MATERIALS: bottles with new caps
PROCEDURE 1. Mix 1 part of calamansi seeds to 3 parts of water. 2. Drain the mixture into cheesecloth allowing the juice to pass completely. 3. Wash the seeds again with one part water. Drain the juice completely. Mix it to the first effluent. 4. Add sugar and calamansi juice (1 part pectin extract: ¾ part sugar and 1/10 part calamansi juice). 5. Boil to jellying point (108-110oC). 6. Remove foams and bubbles. Do not stir. 7. After cooking, pour hot into sterilized bottles. 8. Remove all bubbles at the top. 9. Seal.
INGREDIENTS calamansi juice 1 c (approx. 1 kg fruit) sugar 2 c water 1 c
knife chopping board cheesecloth measuring cups stove casserole ladle thermometer
PACKAGING MATERIALS sterilized bottles (500-ml cap)
PROCEDURE 1. Wash calamansi fruits and blanch for one minute in boiling water. Then immediately dip in cold water. 2. Cut calamansi at one end to avoid cutting the seeds which gives a bitter product. 3. Extract the juice and filter using a cheesecloth. 4. Measure the juice and heat at 70-80oC for one minute. Set aside. 5. Make a syrup by combining the sugar and water. For every cup of filtered juice, two cups of sugar and one cup of water is needed for the syrup. 6. Boil at a temperature of 108oC (226oF) for twenty minutes. 7. Let it stand until the temperature cools down to 80oC. 8. Add the juice and stir to mix well. 9. Pour the mixture while hot into previously sterilized bottles. 10. Seal bottles with caps, pasteurize for 5 minutes at 70oC-80oC. 11. Remove bottles and air cool immediately. 12. Seal, label bottles and store.
Tags: Agri-Poultry Business, Food Products
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Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Puto Bumbong and Bibingka
SIMBANG GABI is one of the longest and most popular among the Filipino traditions in the country. It is when Catholic churches across the nation start to open their doors shortly before the break of dawn to welcome the faithful to the Simbang Gabi mass. Simbang Gabi or Mass at Dawn is a nine-day novena to the Blessed Mother. The novena begins December 16 as early as 4 in the morning and culminates with the “Misa de Gallo” on Christmas Eve to welcome the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ. In some churches, the panuluyan is reenacted showing the effort of Joseph and Mary to find a suitable birthplace.
The changing of times does not break the preservation of celebrating Simbang Gabi although it is celebrated in new ways. Still, the tradition of Simbang Gabi continues. Part of it are the colorful lights and lanterns that fill every streets. Beautiful parols are hung in every window. Songs of the season are played everywhere to warm the hearts. Families, friends and even individuals find its way going to the nearest church to attend the nine-day novena. Shortly after the misa de gallo, families gather in their homes to celebrate Noche Buena and feasted on various delicacies like queso de bola, bibingka, puto bungbong, or a drink of salabat or hot chocolate.
Simbang Gabi is just a month away so better start honing your cooking skills with 2 of the popular recipes during this season. Puto Bumbong and Bibingka
- Five (5) kilograms of glutinous rice - One (1) cup ordinary rice - One (1) tablespoon of food coloring (Lilac) - One (1) kilo of freshly grated matured coconut - Margarine - Sugar
Mix glutinous rice, ordinary rice and food coloring. Soak in water for four hours. Slowly grind using a stone grinder or manual grinder. Be sure not to put too much water in while grinding, this will delay drying of milled ingredients. Too much water will cause the mixture to be sticky. Put milled ingredients onto cotton cloth. Tie corners of the cloth. Let it drip. When the mixture is almost dried, press it using a heavy object to remove excess water. Let stand overnight.
Remove the milled ingredients from the cloth. Place it on finely woven cotton cloth. Mix and crush the milled ingredients using your hand until the finest particles pass through the cotton and fall into a container. Collect the particles.
Boil water using the steamer. Cover it with custom-made-cover with nozzles big enough to fit bamboo tubes or metal cylinders. Cover the nozzles with cotton cloth.
Grease cylinders with margarine then half-fill cylinders with milled ingredients. Cover the other end of the cylinder with cotton cloth. Fit the opposite end into the nozzle. Steam will come out of the cylinder when it is cooked. Before removing Puto Bumbong from the cylinder, invert position to ensure proper cooking.
To remove Puto bumbong from the cylinder, hold it in a vertical position and gently tap it out over a plate.
Put sugar and freshly grated coconut as toppings. Best when served hot with ginger tea.
1 cup malagkit (glutinous) rice 6 tablespoon of pirurutong (black rice) 4 cups of water Mature coconut, shredded Margarine Sugar
Wash the malagkit and pirurutong, then soak in water for 3-4 hours. Then grind the rice. Let it dry on a strainer.
Soak the bumbong/(Slender Bamboo) in oil and scatter with shredded mature coconut. Fill ¾ of the bumbong with the grind rice and put it on a steamer. Let it cook.
Then remove the puto on the bumbong, apply margarine, coconut and sugar. Serve.
- 1 Kilogram malagkit (glutinous) rice, mixed with - 125 grams ordinary rice - 1 pc mature coconut, shredded - butter or margarine - violet food coloring - banana leaves - water - salt - sugar
* Soak malagkit and ordinary rice mixture in salted water with violet food coloring for 1 hour. * Let dry overnight by putting inside a flour sack. * Put something heavy on top to squeeze out water. * Mixture is ready for cooking the following morning. * Heat steamer (lansungan) with enough water. * Put a small amount of rice mixture inside bamboo tubes(bumbong). * Attached bamboo tubes to lansungan or steamer. * When steam comes out of bamboo tubes, remove and immediately push out puto bumbong. * Top with coconut shred and sugar before serving.
BIBINGKA (Coconut rice desert)
- 2 1/2 lb (5 1/2 cups)mochi rice - 1 can (12 oz) frozen coconut milk, thawed - 1 pkg (1 lb.)dark brown sugar - bananna leaves
Rinse rice and cook in rice cooker. In a saucepan, combine coconut milk and 1 1/4 cups of the brown sugar. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly, until thickened, about 20 minutes. Wilt banana leaves over low heat on electric stove; line a 13 X 9 X 2 inch baking pan. Preheat electric oven to 350 degrees F. Put cooked rice into a large bowl. Reserving 1/2 cup of the coconut milk mixture, stir remainder and remaining brown sugar evenly into the hot rice. Put into prepared pan. Top with the reserved 1/2 cup coconut milk mixture. Bake for 20 minutes, then broil for five minutes to set topping. Cut into small pieces. Makes 45 servings.
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Monday, November 13, 2006
Pinoy Kusina is Now Open!
 To all loyal readers of Pinoy Raket, I am proud to announce the opening of my new blog dedicated to Philippines' delicious foods and recipes. Following the success of Pinoy Raket and Pinoy ShowBUZZ, Pinoy Kusina will be featuring Filipino dishes compiled from books, the internet, friends, and even my very own recipes! So set your browser to http://pinoykusina.blogspot.com now and let's start cooking!
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Wednesday, November 08, 2006
SMART Bro Computer Station Promo
For as low as P2,600 in 13 installments, Smart can install a single SMART Bro Computer Station in your store. The package includes a computer and broadband internet access that you can use for extra income within your store. Also available is the PLDT myDSL Internet Café Plus package that includes 5 - 30 seater units.
Smart Bro Computer Station
- Number of PC: 1
- Downpayment: P 2,600*
- Monthly amortization: P 2,600 x 12 months
- Qualifications: Qualified Smart retailer and non-Smart retailer
- Included in set-up:
- Smart Bro computer station
- Smart Bro broadband installation
PLDT myDSL Internet Cafe Plus
- Number of PCs: 5 to 30
- Downpayment: P 35,000**
- Monthly amortization: Flexible financing schemes available
- Qualifications: Qualified applications based on credit screening and site evaluation
- Included in set-up:
- Computers, tables and chairs***
- PC networking and DSL installation
- Revenue from exclusive PLDT and Smart products
- Training for front liners
- PLDT/Smart merchandise
- Pre-installed Ragnarok, Pangya, Flyff, Freestyle, RF Online and Rose Games
- Zero Interest Payment Scheme for 1 year
*Smart Bro Prices are VAT-inclusive **MyDSL Prices subject to government taxes and PC Insurance ***(While supplies last)
For inquiries, call: 101-888 (Toll Free. Call from your SMART or PLDT phone)
Pinoy Raket's Note: Be warned though... Smart Bro and PLDT myDSL are notorious from ignoring customer complaints and have been plagued by connection problems. More info at the Smart Wi-Fi Chronicles.
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Cell.Biz - Cellphone Repair Training
There is a growing demand for cellular phone repair. There are already millions of cellphones in the Philippines. The cellular industry is one of the fastest-growing industries in the world and in the Philippines, the repair industry grew over the past few years. There's an increasing number of opportunities in the repair industry for people who have good understanding and know-how on cellphone repair.
Until recently the repair of cell phones was undertaken only by the manufacturers. Opportunities now exist for entrepreneurial individuals to start their own lucrative businesses with your own stand-alone repair operation providing a service to subscribers, or to add a workshop to a cellphone shop to offer a repair service to other phone businesses in the area.
If you are already in the industry you will find that learning how to repair phones will open up career opportunities that would otherwise be close to you. Maybe you are a sales person who would like to become involved in the repair phones in order to enhance your status. The job of a cell phone repair technician is to fix cellular phones. They are employed by cell phone shops and repair workshop. Some work independently from kiosks or caravans. Using a range of generally easily affordable tools a cell phone repair technicians can efficiently repair most common phone problems in a matter of minutes.
Now you ask, where do I go to learn cellphone repair? Introducing, Cell.Biz International Training Center.
From our experience in the mobile phone business, we have develop these course's to enable a complete novice to star repairing mobile phone's or a conpetent engineer to learn how to work right down to component level. --> CREATE YOUR OWN SERVICE CENTRE --> START A MOBILE PHONE REPAIRING BUSINESS --> FULL TRAINING IN BGA TECNIQUES -(solder paste & solder ball methods) --> TRAINEE'S GIVEN FULL ONLINE TECHNICAL SUPPORT --> BASIC AND ADVANCE SOFTWARE TO HARDWARE --> NO NETWORK, DROPPING SIGNAL, WEAK SIGNAL, LCD, AUTOMATIC SHUT OFF, UPGRADING, NOT CHARGING & MORES!!! Our trainers & mentor Mr. Ronald Cruz have over 10 years experience in the GSM mobile phone repair industry. LATEST TOOLS AND EQUIPMENTS; 100% HANDS ON, ONE WORKSTATION PER TRAINEE
Everyone is invited to attend their Mobile Phone Repair Training Course! Cell.biz offers actual training on Mobile Phone Repairing, Software and Hardware you can learn on the high-level method for fixing a cellular phone. After your training you can start your own Business for Cellular Repair Service Center and you can earn unlimited income! FAST return of Investment and No Franchise FEE! Cell.biz also offers ONLINE training and DVD-Format training.
Now you can avail Cell.biz affordable training fee's for as low as Php. 2,888 or Php. 3,888 w/ free basic tools, Manual Book and Pro-G-Tech Platinum Software.
Contact Person: Mr. Ronaldo Flores Cruz Cell.Biz International Mobile: +63-921-3333744 Tel. No.:(2)796-8000 Email: cellbiz_usa@yahoo.com
Tags: Entrepreneur Essentials, Small & Medium Business
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Globe Visibility Promos
Globe Visibility, the mobile internet arm of Globe 3G, is offering tempting packages for individuals or business folks that are always on the go. Globe's 3G with HSDPA Mobile Internet is perfect for entrepreneurs that need access to the world wide web anytime and anywhere.
After being the first operator in Asia to offer HSDPA, Globe now brings you the first HSDPA phone in Asia. Globe further equips you with the tools to stay connected to the internet while out of town and on the go. The Samsung Z560 is your new empowering device to enjoy the full-blast speed of Globe Mobile Broadband 3G with HSDPA (5-6x faster than basic 3G). Start using your Z560 as an HSDPA-speed modem with your laptop.
 Get a FREE Samsung Z560 and HP CNX 6320 laptop when you:
- Apply for G-Plan 5000 and a Globe Visibility Plan for P2000 - Are a current subscriber outside the lock-in period on Plan 5000 & higher, and must get a Globe Visibility Plan for P2000. - Are a current subscriber outside the lock-in period who upgrades to a G-Plan 5000 & higher, and must get a Globe Visibility Plan for P2000 - Are an existing G-Plan 5000 subscriber within the lock-in period (with atleast 12 months tenue since last reward or date of activation), and must get a Globe Visibility Plan for P2000. Offer is not applicable to subscribers on Plan 3500 or lower. Note: 7 working days for laptop to be available in Globe Hub or Business Centers.
Get a FREE Samsung Z560 cellphone when you:
- Apply for G-Plan 2500 - Are a current subscriber outside the lock-in period on G-Plan 2500 & higher. - Are a current subscriber outside the lock-in period who upgrades to a G-Plan 2500 & higher. - Are an existing G-Plan 2500 subscriber within the lock-in period (with at least 12 months tenure since last reward or date of activation). Offer is not applicable to subscribers on G-Plan 1800 or lower and no unlimited mobile browsing
Get a Samsung Z560 cellphone at 0% interest with 3, 6, 12 or 18 months term
- Open to new prepaid subscribers and existing postpaid subscribers - Maximum of 2 Phonekits per subscriber.
This special introductory offer is available from November 5-19 only! Offer open to both Globe and non-Globe subscribers!
To avail of this offer, visit the nearest Globe Hub or Business Center near you, or call the Globe Direct hotline (02)751-8888.
Per DTI-NCR Permit No. 4837, Series of 2006.
Tags: Entrepreneur Essentials
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Waterless Carwash Center
Are you aware that Car Wash shops are everywhere and almost in every street. Having a different concept of car wash such as waterless, will be a big potential for entrepreneurs. In a Traditional car wash it takes 2-3 hours in cleaning the car with a minimum of 2 workers while with the Waterless Carwash, it will only take 15-20 minutes to do the job with two workers.
Introducing QUICK DRY WASH, it offers a better, quicker and more economical car express grooming packages – clean, wax, polish and extra sealant! It is a water-based, special polymer, pumas and Brazilian Carnauba wax car wash and polish. It is used for dirty, oxidized or everyday cars. It is completely biodegradable, non hazardous, V.O.C. compliant. It is silicone free and petroleum free. It makes older car looks brand new.
With P7,500.00, you can have a 5 gallon Quick Dry Wash that can wash a minimum of 200 cars. That's approx. P37.50/car! Traditional carwash centers charge P60 - P100 depending on the car size. And sometimes, they charge more than that based on the location or area
You can charge customers the same as the price of traditional car wash or a bit higher since they save time and from having their car wax every 6 months, car waxing cost P300 and higher. Since this product is also a paint maintenance or paint protector.
Let's say, u have 5 gallons which cost you P7500, and you were able to wash 201 cars. And you charge P70 for small, P85 for medium and P110 for large autos.
67 small cars x P70 = P4690 67 medium cars x P85 = P5695 67 large cars x P110 = P7370
TOTAL of P17,755 less the cost = P10,255
There's also other ways of doing business with the product. You can do mobile carwash, so you can save from rental of space. Or simply distribute the product to other car wash centers.
Inclusive of:
- Use of Trade Name - 5 Gallons of QUICK DRY WASH product can wash at least 200 cars - 10 micro fiber applicator - 10 sprayers - 2 crew uniforms - Product tarpaulin and flyers - 2 days training and manuals - Promotion, marketing and technical assistance - Additional 5 Gallons of QUICK DRY WASH will cost P7,500 (available only for franchisee)
Executive Distributorships per area are welcome. For instance that a distributor is from Quezon City, all sub distributors in Quezon City will be referred to the QC distributor.
- includes 11 franchise package and for the next order of products. - it will only cost Php5, 000/gallon instead of Php7,500.00 Contact Person: HONEYLET REIDY (2)4197495 / 0918-4472195
Tags: Small & Medium Business, Business Franchise
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