
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Cell.Biz - Cellphone Repair Training
There is a growing demand for cellular phone repair. There are already millions of cellphones in the Philippines. The cellular industry is one of the fastest-growing industries in the world and in the Philippines, the repair industry grew over the past few years. There's an increasing number of opportunities in the repair industry for people who have good understanding and know-how on cellphone repair.
Until recently the repair of cell phones was undertaken only by the manufacturers. Opportunities now exist for entrepreneurial individuals to start their own lucrative businesses with your own stand-alone repair operation providing a service to subscribers, or to add a workshop to a cellphone shop to offer a repair service to other phone businesses in the area.
If you are already in the industry you will find that learning how to repair phones will open up career opportunities that would otherwise be close to you. Maybe you are a sales person who would like to become involved in the repair phones in order to enhance your status. The job of a cell phone repair technician is to fix cellular phones. They are employed by cell phone shops and repair workshop. Some work independently from kiosks or caravans. Using a range of generally easily affordable tools a cell phone repair technicians can efficiently repair most common phone problems in a matter of minutes.
Now you ask, where do I go to learn cellphone repair? Introducing, Cell.Biz International Training Center.
From our experience in the mobile phone business, we have develop these course's to enable a complete novice to star repairing mobile phone's or a conpetent engineer to learn how to work right down to component level. --> CREATE YOUR OWN SERVICE CENTRE --> START A MOBILE PHONE REPAIRING BUSINESS --> FULL TRAINING IN BGA TECNIQUES -(solder paste & solder ball methods) --> TRAINEE'S GIVEN FULL ONLINE TECHNICAL SUPPORT --> BASIC AND ADVANCE SOFTWARE TO HARDWARE --> NO NETWORK, DROPPING SIGNAL, WEAK SIGNAL, LCD, AUTOMATIC SHUT OFF, UPGRADING, NOT CHARGING & MORES!!! Our trainers & mentor Mr. Ronald Cruz have over 10 years experience in the GSM mobile phone repair industry. LATEST TOOLS AND EQUIPMENTS; 100% HANDS ON, ONE WORKSTATION PER TRAINEE
Everyone is invited to attend their Mobile Phone Repair Training Course! Cell.biz offers actual training on Mobile Phone Repairing, Software and Hardware you can learn on the high-level method for fixing a cellular phone. After your training you can start your own Business for Cellular Repair Service Center and you can earn unlimited income! FAST return of Investment and No Franchise FEE! Cell.biz also offers ONLINE training and DVD-Format training.
Now you can avail Cell.biz affordable training fee's for as low as Php. 2,888 or Php. 3,888 w/ free basic tools, Manual Book and Pro-G-Tech Platinum Software.
Contact Person: Mr. Ronaldo Flores Cruz Cell.Biz International Mobile: +63-921-3333744 Tel. No.:(2)796-8000 Email: cellbiz_usa@yahoo.com
Tags: Entrepreneur Essentials, Small & Medium Business

Posted on 3:24 PM | 4 Comments | Email Story To Friends | Subscribe Via Email
I got trained at Alfa Institute of cell phone repair. For cell phone repair training you can join Alfa Institute at http://www.alfainstitute.net/onlinerepairtraining.html
Shuaib said this on Sunday, January 02, 2011 3:28:00 PM
Do not believe in that cellbiz int. It's a crap!!! Mr. Ron cruz whi happens to be the owner doesn't even know how to repair cellphones... i trusted 6 units of my cellphone with this faggot owner of cellbiz... i can't believe he doesn't know the process of even opening the line for other network... one of those phones he took scandal videos of him sucking another man. And my other phone we totally wrecked it!!! I just asked to open the line for other networks. What he did was he forced to open the phone and he actually broke it... the lcd broke... the touch screen cord and everything.... mr.RONALD CRUZ OF CELLBIZ is one hell of a user and he is a scam.. he will ask u for money to enroll with his cellbiz crap yet he himself doesn't even know how to repair a cellphone!!! BEWARE OF THIS GUY... HIS BUSINESS IS A TRASH...
said this on Friday, April 12, 2013 4:47:00 PM
Ronaldo Flores Cruz SCAMMER Cellbiz International
Please Read these forums before enrolling in Cellbiz: http://forums.wirelessadvisor.com/wor king-or-investing-in-wireless-industry/1212-cell-p hone-repair-courses.html read the posts of username: notagain, he is from South Africa.
http://pinoyraket.blogspot.com/20 06/11/cellbiz-cellphone-repair-training.html read the post of Anonymous
Please do not believe this guy,this guy is a BIG GAY LIAR
said this on Monday, December 02, 2013 8:26:00 PM
You can also learn cell phone repair online through Prizm Institute's online training at http://www.prizminstitute.com/courses/mobile-repairing-online
Shuaib said this on Saturday, December 12, 2015 1:17:00 PM
